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Sunday, March 23, 2014
So we are going through the 4 month sleep regression/teething/growth spurt over here in the Pendleton castle of chaos which means we are up every hour at night with little man lately. By some amazing act of God, Jer and I got ready and made it to church on time today but my BFF Scotty was not too happy about it so I was seriously considering leaving after Sacrament Meeting.

I'm really glad I didn't.

Jer took little man to Young Men's with him so I could enjoy RS. We had a great lesson by Jamie on Elder Uchtdorf''s talk, "You Can Do It Now" from October's General Conference. The lesson was really good for me and got me thinking a lot. (If you are reading this Jamie, thank you! I loved your lesson :o))

There are a lot of things in life that make us feel like failures, AKA our weaknesses. Sometimes we feel like we just can't recover from some of them. For example, I will be the first to admit that I am not the best housekeeper. My house is almost never as clean as I would like it to be, and sometimes I just think, "why bother?"

We talked a little bit today in church about focusing on the things we ARE good at, and the positive things we do each day. If you know me, you know I'm an eternal pessimist. I have to work really hard to focus on the positives in life, especially since having a baby and I am often much more limited in what I am able to accomplish in a day.

I decided to list a few things I'm pretty proud of that I have recently accomplished. This may seem funny or sarcastic but I really am proud of the little things. :o)

-I get myself ready every day except Saturday. Teaching at BYU has really made this possible since I teach every day and am required to dress in business casual clothes.

-I have learned to say NO to things that are just too much for me to handle and YES to help when I need it. It is unbelievable how hard this has been for me. As a typical woman I often think I can handle everything on my own. False. I am so grateful for friends and family who have been so helpful to me through this house remodel and new baby process.

-Sometimes I make dinner. Seriously though.

-Sometimes I make it to the gym.

-I did half of my Visiting Teaching this month.

-After 3 WEEKS of waiting and no sprouting I was sure I was a failure at gardening, this happened:

-I finally finished this project:

-I spend lots of quality time with my sweet boy Scotty and really feel like I'm savoring each moment of his development and growth. Parenthood is hard but SO worth it and so worth the piles of dishes in the sink, the dust on the shelves and the unmade bed.

*And let's get real, I can't blame new parenthood on not getting everything done that I would like to. I feel like I was just as busy and just as bad of a housekeeper before I had Scotty as I am now. Just a different kind of busy and maybe a better excuse for not cleaning ;o).

So, if you haven't done the dishes in a week, or you haven't gotten out of your PJ's or showered yet today, that's OK! You can still do it now! My MIL told me something last weekend that really helped me: "Save the guilt for sin." If you didn't do something previously, get over it. Don't feel guilty, it isn't like you are sinning. You still have a chance to accomplish many things! You can do it now!