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Grab a Button!

Monday, March 3, 2014
As a dancer of almost 20 years, rhythm is in my bones. Whenever I hear a catchy tune, I can't help but move my feet, snap my fingers or sway my body. As a teacher, it is really hard to explain that innate sense of rhythm in my body because it is just that: innate.

I have been thinking about this a lot since I had my baby. At one of my baby showers, my guests each wrote down some advice for me. One card in particular has stuck with me:

"You will have a built in radar with your son. Don't ever doubt your motherly instincts. You will understand his rhythm like no one else. Relax and enjoy God's gift to you."

Before my baby was born, it was hard for me to understand how moms "just knew" when their babies were hungry, or tired, or uncomfortable. After all, they can't really communicate for the first little while. I kind of thought I was doomed as a mom. I thought, "If I can't understand this with others, how am I going to understand it with my own child?!" 

After being a mom now for only about 4 months, I am able to see so clearly the rhythm of my baby. We are so connected in a way that is indescribable. It is just like that rhythm that I feel when I dance. There isn't a way to explain how it works in me, but I just feel it. 

I think this is especially important to note in today's world of never-ending advice and knowledge through the "all-knowing" powers of Pinterest and Google. As much advice you get and research you do, will never teach you how to take care of your baby. It will truly be inside you already! How amazing is that?! Of course Pinterest, books, family members and friends can teach us a lot of helpful and useful information, but nothing compares to the connection you share as mother and child. 

This advice came from a mother who adopted all four of her children. I think one of the more important parts of her advice comes at the end: "Relax and enjoy God's gift to you." However your children come to you, you are connected to them. Yes, there is a definite connection you feel with your baby as you carry them for 9 months and give birth to them. But the beauty in all this is that children are a gift from God. It doesn't matter how they make their way into your home, Heavenly Father knew from the start that they were yours and that you would be the one to help get them through this life. 

I need to constantly remind myself to stop stressing about the little things, or as my mom would say, "Don't sweat the small stuff." I know my baby more than I know myself and I need to trust in that rhythm as I enjoy God's most precious gift to me. 


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